Status: Currently Accepting with discretion on a waitlist, Please Contact for more information.
Last updated on 4/7/2021
Our goal is to find books that will fit into our Mental Health Book Club and help some authors along the way.
We prefer books and that relate to Mental Health in some way. Whether that be a memoir, dystopian novel laced with resilience, historical fiction, children's books, or workbooks. We are open to reading other topics that are unrelated for review, but please understand these books will be chosen purely by recreational desire, and are likely to take some time to get a review completed.
We prefer hard copies, but in the digital world, we understand digital copies are the easiest and most economical. Audiobooks are our preferred digital format. We do accept Kindle formatting (.mobi) and are open to other digital formats that allow for notes, and highlights.
We only give genuine reviews, and won't say anything we don't mean, but also understand the fear associated with that level of honesty. If you're requesting we give any negative feedback privately, please detail that in your initial submission. This may result in no review being posted but does not influence whether or not we choose your book.
We list reviews on various online platforms such as GoodReads, Amazon, OnlineBookClub, this blog, and many others both paid and in exchange for copies of the books. We also have access to the library, personal purchases, and our personal library. We will not detail how we attained the book in our review, but you can always rely on the review being candid. Tags, mentions, and links will be posted with any review, please include this information in your submission.
You may have noticed the "Therapist Recommended Reading List". This is not a list that can be influenced. If your book is selected for the list, it is simply because we think many people will benefit from reading it. Books can be requested to be added to the list by submission, but submission does not guarantee a spot on the list.
Any book we feel like would be a good addition to our Book Club will be contacted after the review for possibilities of adding to our SubBoxes. This is left solely to our discretion and cannot be influenced in any way.
Reviews can be expected to be 300-800 words for Children's Books, Articles, and Resources. Or 400-1000 words for Chapter Books. Each review will contain a summary without spoilers, anything gained from the book, memories the book brought forward, what kind of audience we recommend the book for, and a section for Things You Might Want to Know, as well as any other information that may be pertinent.
We may point out potentially sensitive or offensive elements to readers at the end of a review in Things You Might Want to Know. These elements do not affect how I feel about a book and are completely separate from my recommendations.
Guest posters receive no material or monetary compensation, and as such retain all rights and liability attached to their posts. I do not alter or reproduce guest post material without permission. That being said; My blog is not your advertising space. If I agree to a guest post or interview, I expect to receive something exclusive that will not be reprinted elsewhere.
By submitting, you agree to the terms outlined here.
Genres Not Currently Accepted:
Scifi with no Mental Health lean
Westerns with no Mental Health lean
Romance with no Mental Health lean

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