Life Coaching
If you aren't 100% sure about who you are, where you want to be, or what you need to achieve in this world to finally be "happy", life coaching may be just what you need to get yourself moving in the right direction.
Passed up on that job promotion? Never feel like you have enough money or time? Feel like relationships are as suspenseful as a slow-burn mystery novel?
Or maybe the opposite. Maybe you feel like you're doing amazingly, but you need that extra push to get going and moving forward in life. Both spots are ok to be in.
Let us help you move past your barriers and limiting beliefs to get the shit done that you've been wanting to do for so long. Get results.
Is your life caught up on an issue? Did you sweep something under the rug just to trip on it? Are you struggling to move past a traumatic event, or the loss of a loved one? Are you not sure how to make friends in adulthood and think there "must" be something "wrong" with you?
Counseling is a good place to start. Gaining an instant best friend, who actually knows how to help you see where you are, where you want to go, and what's stopping you, counseling leaves room to process and vent.
Accepted Insurance Plans
Aetna | Aetna Coventry
Asuris Northwest Health
Blue Cross
Blue Shield
BlueCross and BlueShield
Kaiser (Out-of-Network)
Regence (Out-of-Network)

Michela "McDeath" Dalsing MS, lmhc, Ncc, Lcpc
Chief Innovative Officer
Michela “McDeath” Dalsing has always been a wild child. She has served in almost every treatment setting having worked in residential treatment with at-risk youth, inpatient services, community mental health, and corporate mental health. McDeath loves to meet people where they are at and try to understand the person as a whole. She is especially passionate about working with nerds that feel misunderstood by most people in their life.
Alyssa "Moist" Johnson
Chief executive officer
Alyssa “Moist” Johnson has always been the brains behind any operation. She has spent the majority of her life dedicated to building various businesses. Seriously, has built a business in almost every industry out there. With a background in Marketing and Small Business Development, Moist is an individual whose passion shines through in any endeavor she pursues. She is currently pursuing a Masters in Industrial/Organizational Psychology and plans to use that knowledge to destigmitize and educate about mental health in the workplace.